Margaret, Denise, Lin, Cheryll, Heather and Ivy are 6 enthusiastic mahjong players who met through playing mahjong at South Perth Learning Centre and Affinity Club (Nedlands). They play only for fun, never for real money.

In Aug 2022, while idly googling, Ivy accidentally came across the Australasian Mahjong Festival which has been running every year since 1994. After she attended the 4-day event held in Aug 2022 in Bundaberg, Queensland, she wondered why such an enjoyable event was only ever held on the eastern seaboard. She returned to Perth, corralled four unsuspecting friends to assist in organising a 1-day event modelled after the national event. The volunteer team has grown to six.

After an inordinate amount of volunteer time, SPLC set aside the date in April 2023 for the INAUGURAL event. They plan to run the event every year.

The organisers are grateful to the South Perth Learning Centre (SPLC) for providing services including online registration, website/email/domain hosting and printing. They are also grateful to South Perth Learning Centre and the City of Nedlands’ Affinity Club for providing practice sessions. Both organisations are non-profit community service organisations with a focus on adult education services.  

(L to R) Lin Ang, Cheryll Williams, Denise Bird, Ivy Branson, Margaret Pereira, Heather Maxwell